1:1 Fertility Nutrition Coaching

Fertility Nutrition Coaching for Women Who Are Ready to Implement Changes to Make Their Dream Babies Their Reality

A 12-week 1:1 fertility nutrition coaching program with guts and soul designed to bring your body, mind and spirit back into balance to give you the best chances of getting and staying pregnant.

I’m all about helping you discover what works best for YOUR unique body, so together we will uncover the best nourishing foods, movement and stress-managing techniques to help bring you your dream baby.

Fertility Transformations Nutrition Coaching Program

Hey! I’m Allison

I’ve been where you are trying to get pregnant.

It took me years to get pregnant with my first child. I spent countless hours sifting the internet and research journals for info for optimal fertility. But I'm not just Google certified—I have a Master's degree in cell biology, extensive experience as a microbiologist studying the gut microbiome and probiotics, and am specially certified in Pregnancy, Postpartum and Baby Nutrition.

What I realized is that what I really needed was to start with the basics.

I went back to school to study nutrition, and realized that so much more important than what you don’t eat is what you do eat, and how you nourish yourself. Very often, infertility can be traced back to undernourishment.

With all the knowledge I have acquired over the years, bringing together my various areas of expertise in a way that is unique to what’s currently being offered, I have created a fertility nutrition coaching program that works to give you the very best chances of getting and staying pregnant.

Plus, I’ve been through this all myself so I can offer that unconditional support you may be in desperate need of when your friends or partner just aren’t getting it.

Unconditional Support On Your Fertility Journey

  • Preconception Wellness

    Even if you haven’t started trying for a baby yet, investing in a fertility nutrition coaching program can be the best thing you’ve done for the lifelong wellness of both you and your child.

  • Fertility Conditions

    Food and lifestyle can be an amazing tool to support conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, recurrent losses and other hormonal imbalances.

  • IVF Support

    If you are on the journey of IVF or other assisted reproductive technologies, fertility nutrition coaching can help you to improve your chances of success saving you time, money and heartache.

Believe me, I have been where you are and know how all-consuming, heart-wrenching and downright depressing dealing with infertility can be.

  • feeling your body has failed you.

  • the feelings of shame that come with not being able to do what seems to come so easily to others.

  • hormonal imbalance or menstrual issues wreaking havoc on your cycle.

  • losing all trust in your  body and it’s ability to do what it was perfectly designed to do.

  • feel utterly heartbroken after multiple losses or never seeing a big fat positive.

Maybe you’ve felt similar?

You don’t have to do this alone.

But there is good news:

This program is for you whether you have been trying for years and fear you will never be able to get pregnant, are scared to try yet another new thing after devastating losses, or even if you are just starting out on your fertility journey. I’ve been where you are, been through fertility treatments, and so longed for someone to guide me. And while I did find something, it was more of a one-size fits all approach. 

With Fertility Transformations, my signature 1:1 Fertility Nutrition Coaching Program, you’ll have me there championing you every step of the way with personalized recommendations, cheering you on as you transform your fertility and yourself into the mother you dream of becoming

Why should you invest in a Fertility Nutrition Coach?

There is nothing more important to invest in than your future baby and their lifelong wellness

Did you know the nutritional foundation you have in the 90 days preconception impacts health outcomes for your child’s entire life?

And not only that, if you are carrying a girl, her eggs and future fertility potential are being formed while inside of you. Your nutritional foundation is PARAMOUNT to providing the absolute best foundation for lifelong and generational wellness for your child.

I could argue there is nothing more invaluable than becoming a mother if that is your dream. Nothing more worthwhile to invest your money in. If you’re like me, you may have already spent tons of money on supplements, cycle tracking methods, gadgets, thermometers, acupuncture, massage and everything else under the sun. But then when it comes to arguably the most fundamental pieceyour fertility nutritional foundationyou may be piecemealing it all together with advice you’ve seen on social media, google or friends.

And while I definitely believe everyone is able to be their own advocate and make amazing transformations, sometimes you need someone who is qualified to bring you back to the basics and give that step-by-step strong foundation personalized for your body. The foundation your body  absolutely needs to have your healthiest and happiest baby.

And then there’s the sheer cost of it.

The average cost of IVF in the US starts at around $12,000 for a single round, and that doesn’t always factor in all the testing, medications and potential multiple rounds that may be needed. What’s more, many clinics will recommend donor eggs if your AMH levels are low.

But what I know is that AMH levels, along with so many other issues that impact fertility, are not set in stone, do not solely determine your ability to become a parent and can be dramatically affected by the food you eat and the lifestyle you lead. 

If you’ve already decided to go forward with IVF, know that—contrary to what many clinics may tell you— there are diet and lifestyle choices you can make to dramatically improve your success rate potentially leading to less rounds needed. And if you aren’t ready for IVF, investing in a fertility coaching program can help to get you the outcome you desire—a healthy pregnancy, forgoing potentially so much more time and money spent down the line.

What This Program is Not:

No 1-size-fits-all diets and restrictions

Heard gluten is enemy #1 for everyone’s fertility? I’m here to bust that myth. While it’s true for your unique body that some foods may be better to avoid, my philosophy is based so much more on what incredibly nourishing foods you can add into your diet. Together we’ll uncover what foods you should eat more of and what foods you may want to avoid for your optimal fertility.

Not just a nutrition program

While I specialize in nutrition, this fertility nutrition coaching program has it all—body,mind and spirit—because I know that is what it takes to get your whole body ready to get pregnant and stay pregnant. I also have expertise in the gut microbiome—the root of health and well-being, and now how much it is affected by the movement you do and the thoughts you think, and the quality of the materials in your environment, as much as the food you eat.

No everything-but-the-kitchen-sink supplement regimens

If you’ve been trying to conceive for some time you’ve probably come across a book or influencer or two that tout alllll the supplements to help improve your egg quality and get you pregnant. While I believe some basic supplements can be beneficial for most people, I’m not a proponent of experimenting with your liver’s ability to detox by recommending 25 different herbs, tonics and supplements to take daily.

You’ve driven yourself crazy trying to piece together every sliver of advice you’ve gathered from late-night scrolling and are ready for something different.

Before implementing this very program and easily conceiving my second baby on the first try, I tried for years to get pregnant with my first child and threw every piece of advice I could at the problem. Pineapple core, yep. 15 different supplements to improve my eggs, unfortunately. Legs up the wall after sex, been there. Cutting out gluten, dairy and all enjoyment in the process? For years, sadly, yes. This was not a recipe for fertility, just a recipe for total overwhelm and burnout. 

But this program is definitely for you if:

You are motivated to make your dream baby your reality.

While it isn’t complicated, it’s not necessarily easy. And that’s because any meaningful change takes dedication and motivation from you. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but the implementation can be challenging. We will tackle week by week which nourishing steps to take to get your body in the perfect state to conceive with ease—but the work is up to you!

Deep down you know it’s not just about cutting out this or that food group, but that it takes nourishing your whole self to not just get pregnant, but become the mother you want to be.

I know your nutritional foundation makes allll the difference when it comes to improving your fertility to conceive with ease. But I’ll be the first to admit it’s not everything. Your lifestyle and your mindset are critical pieces to the fertility puzzle and ones we will address in depth. With this program you aren’t just getting a diet plan, but a roadmap to live your most fertile life in body, mind and spirit.

No matter where you are at on your fertility journey- this program is for you.

What’s included in Fertility Transformations:

  • Complete fertility nutritional and lifestyle assessment

  • 90 day week by week guidance for your optimal fertility for you and your partner- fertility shouldn’t just fall on you!

  • Personalized meal planning templates and shopping lists

  • Biweekly virtual 1:1 check-ins with me

  • Unlimited email support throughout the program and for 30 days after.

  • Emotional support throughout your TTC journey from someone who has been there

  • Evidence-based holistic fertility guidance for every aspect of your life including: diet, movement, sleep, stress-management techniques and vision-setting.

Whether you are wanting to conceive naturally, prolong your fertility for future pregnancy or are already committed to starting advanced treatments such as IUI or IVF.

My fertility nutrition coaching program will be beneficial for you no matter where you are at in your journey. At the core of this program are what I’ve found to be the basics for optimal health, so you will benefit no matter what stage you are at.

Are you ready to get your step-by-step game plan for making your dream baby your reality?


  • Absolutely! I would argue that there is nothing more fundamental to optimal fertility than the foods you eat, because it affects and informs hormone production, blood sugar regulation, nutritional status and gut health among so much more! Laying a solid foundation with real evidence-backed advice on what to eat for both you and your partner when trying to get pregnant will dramatically improve your chances of conceiving.

  • Think of a fertility nutrition coach as your advocate, teacher and cheerleader for every step of your fertility journey. From the discovery phase to figure out where your body may be needing a bit of extra help, what nutrients you may be limited in, to implementing lifestyle changes, cycle tracking, to providing simple and delicious recipes to help you carry out your nutrition plans with ease, and everything in between, I will be by your side with 1:1 support.

  • Like the quality of options out there, there is a huge variety in the types of programs that are provided. Self-paced courses typically tend to be <$1,000 and  1:1 coaching support during the preconception period runs an average of $1500-$6000. Compare that to an average of $12,000-$15,000 for a single IVF round, which also doesn’t factor in the typically multiple rounds of IUI or medicated cycles that lead up the IVF. The benefit of a fertility coaching program becomes clear.

In-person and remote options

Flora & Fauna Nutrition is based in the North Carolina Triangle Region, but founded on nutrition and gut health support from the comfort of your home. Live in the Triangle region and prefer to meet in person?—I’ve got you covered with in-home sessions for a small additional travel fee.


Still not sure if this program is right for you?

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